
IP Banning

fail2ban is sometimes a bit too aggressive. After being fully banned, the ban lasts in the database for about 24 hours.

fail2ban is a systemd service and can be restarted via the regular systemctl commands.


iptables -L f2b-sshd

to retrieve a list of all banned IP addresses. You can view a log of fail2ban activity at /var/log/fail2ban.log .

To unban an IP, run

fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip <IP>

To ignore an IP until the next fail2ban restart, run

fail2ban-client set sshd addignoreip <IP>

To ignore an IP permanent, edit the ignoreip directive in the tjcsl.conf file within the ras role on Ansible. You can then deploy the edited file via Ansible.


Please keep in mind the CSL upgrade guidelines for production systems when deciding whether to upgrade RAS. When in doubt. ask someone more experienced and BACKUP DATA.

The remote access servers are like any other Ubuntu Server and can be upgraded via a regular apt update && apt upgrade. It is recommended to upgrade the RAS servers via Ansible and to do so one at a time so that failed upgrades do not completely break access to the Lab.

Last updated